Jitters Espresso
Jitters Espresso is a company that provides high quality espresso with the addition of cricket-based protein. Their mission is to produce cricket protein espresso that is ethically sourced and is good for the health of their customers, as well as the planet. The concept behind its design is to make a pattern which hints to the anatomy of a cricket, but with fun colors and shapes that flow in order to entice customers to try something new and perhaps something unusual like crickets.

In preliminary research, I researched which bugs were edible and safe to use as ingredients. From there, I developed companies and products of which I found existing packaging for. Then, I looked for packaging that matched the type of style I was going for.

With thumbnails, I mainly wanted to throw out any ideas I had and what came to mind when I thought of Jitters Espresso. Here, you can see that the vibe is meant to be funky and wild, matching the word “jitters”.

The rough stage began the first round of prints which made the design look more official and helped to see what was working and what needed to be fixed in order to appear more realistic.

Tight Roughs
At this stage, all of the pieces were nearly complete and test prints were done in order to make sure things looked official and were aligned. Final decisions on design, type, and print were also being made.